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Jyoti tripathi

Jyoti Tripathi

Sales Manager
A highly organized and self-motivated individual committed to providing excellent guidance ...
Urban Avenues

Urban Avenues

Urban Avenues – Your Asset Management Company

Harinder Shah Singh

VP Sales
Achieving growth and hitting sales targets by successfully managing the sales team.

Prashant Somvanshi

GM Sales
An energetic and enthusiastic sales manager, assisting customers for the past 10 years to ...
Harsh bhutani

Harsh Bhutani

Vice President
Individuals in a vice president role often oversee internal staff and operations to ensure ...

List with Specific Agents

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Harsh bhutani

Harsh Bhutani

Vice President
Individuals in a vice president role often oversee internal staff and operations to ensure ...

Prashant Somvanshi

GM Sales
An energetic and enthusiastic sales manager, assisting customers for the past 10 years to ...

Harinder Shah Singh

VP Sales
Achieving growth and hitting sales targets by successfully managing the sales team.

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